By Kevin, October 29th, 2018

Most developers at some point or another will inevitably need to add custom code to a site. In Drupal, this could be anything from extending core functionality, altering forms, or creating entirely new functionality.

When using best practices and having knowledge of the API/framework...


By Kevin, October 31st, 2017

Earlier today there was a ping in Slack for assistance. A coworker needed to update 140 XML files with a new element, and the element value will be populated from an existing element in the node.

For most people, they hear the number “140” and think wow, this will take a while. But the...


By Kevin, October 22nd, 2017

Just wanted to drop a quick post about a plugin I came across last week called fzf.

fzf is a plugin for the command line that enables fuzzy find searching for a majority of file types in the...


By Kevin, July 13th, 2017

Ever get to the end of a project and have a panic moment when you realize that all the content entered contains links in the WYSIWYG that contain the full domain, and not just the relative path to content (ex.

Who will update this? What do we do? Before we busted...


By Kevin, July 10th, 2017

Overriding a service in Drupal 8 is pretty easy. Within your sites directory, you will see a file called You can adjust these defaults by adding a services.yml file in the sites directory. This is common when you want to enable twig debugging when...

By Kevin, July 4th, 2017

Just wanted to drop a quick nod to a long awaited feature in PHP that other languages have enjoyed for a while now… type hints and return types.

On a current project, I had to implement my own user authentication service in Drupal 8. While writing my class, I added new methods that I...


By Kevin, June 20th, 2017

In my latest adventures in Drupal 8, I had to build out a multisite search with Solr.

While I will touch on that later, I wanted to call out something I learned today, which is how to inject dependencies to your Drupal class with non-native Drupal code.

What do I mean by that?...

By Kevin, June 2nd, 2017

I was doing an onsite with a client earlier this week, assisting in a demo of the Drupal 8 solution we were building for their team.

During the meeting, it was expressed that they wanted all instances of a text editor to have the same buttons and capabilities.

The way I had (and...
